Section 1 Definitions 3
Section 2 Use of Airport Restricted 4
Section 3 Scope 4
Section 4 Privilege of using Airport 4
Section 5 Lease of Airport Property to Private Individuals, Companies or Corporations 4
Section 6 General Rules – Property Rules 5
Section 7 Penalty Removal 5
Section 8 General Rules and Regulations 6
8.01 – Safeguard of Persons and Property 6
8.02 – Sanitation 6
8.03 – Liquid Disposal 6
8.04 – Preservation of Property 6
8.05 – Use of Another’s Property 6
8.06 – Lost Articles 6
8.07 – Restricted Areas 6
8.08 – Use of Roads and Walks 6
8.09 – Surreptitious Activities 7
8.10 – Loitering and Refusal to Comply 7
8.11 – Use of Shop Areas 7
8.12 – Smoking 7
8.13 – Damage to Airport Property 7
8.14 – Unauthorized Structures 7
8.15 – Unauthorized Signs 7
8.16 – Lien for Charges, Possessory Right 7
8.17 – Agricultural Operations 8
8.18 – Injury to a Person 8
Section 9 Motor Vehicle Operations 8
9.01 – Vehicular Traffic 8
9.02 – Parking 8
Section 10 Aircraft Operations/Air and Ground 9
10.01 – Federal Air Traffic Rules 9
10.02 – Licensed Pilots; Aircraft Registration 9
10.03 – Aeronautical Advisory (Unicom) Station 9
10.04 – Landing and Take-off Rules 9
10.05 – Intoxicants and Narcotics Forbidden 9
10.06 – Student Training and Practice Flying 9
10.07 – Parachute Jumping 9
10.08 – Authority to Close Field or Suspend/Restrict Operations 10
10.09 – Special Procedures 10
10.10 – Aircraft Accident Report/Removal of Wreckage 10
10.11 – Unairworthy, Disabled or Damaged Aircraft 10
10.12 – Repairing of Aircraft 10
10.13 – Parking of Aircraft 10
10.14 – Tie-down of Aircraft 10
10.15 – Aircraft Storage 10
Section 11 Rules for Aircraft Fueling Operations 11
11.1 – Authorized Operations 11
11.2 – Safety/Servicing 11
11.3 – Fueling and Defueling Aircraft 12
Section 12 Fire Protections Regulations 12
Section 13 Running Aircraft Engines 12
Section 14 Taxiing Aircraft 13
Section 15 Conflict in Rules 13
Section 16 Knowledge of Rules Implied 13
Section 17 Penalty for Violation 14
Section 18 Saving Clause 14
Section 19 Emergency Enactment 14
Aransas County Airport
Rules and Regulations
An Order providing rules and regulations concerning the Aransas County Airport: providing for the definition of terms; providing that no person shall use the Airport for the conduct of commercial activities for the sale of any commodities or services whatsoever, unless approved by written legal instrument from the Aransas County Commissioners Court; providing for general rules and regulations in the use of the Airport; regulating air and ground traffic; providing rules for fueling operations; providing for fire regulations; providing for conflict in rules; providing a penalty for violation of this Order; providing for a saving clause; and declaring an emergency for enactment of this Order.
Be it ordered by the Commissioners Court of the County of Aransas, Texas:
Section 1. Definitions.
A. “County” – means Aransas County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas; its duly elected County Judge and Commissioners Court; or any duly constituted agent, agency or committee appointed by or through said Court.
B. “Airport” – shall mean all property belonging to the County at Aransas County Airport.
C. “Airport Manager” – means the duly appointed officer or representative of the Aransas County Commissioners Court having immediate charge of the Airport and having the responsibility of enforcing these rules and regulations, for and in behalf of the County.
D. “Person” – shall mean any individual, firm, partnership, co-partnership, corporation, company or association; including any trustee, receiver or similar representative thereof.
E. “FAA” and “TAC” – shall mean the Federal Aviation Administration and the Texas Aeronautics Commission, respectively, and any successor agencies therto.
F. “Public Airport Facilities” – means all facilities and improvements now or hereafter connected with or appurtenant to the Airport, as are provided and made available for general use by aircraft, aircraft operators and passengers, Airport tenants in common, and other airport users, which shall include, but not limited to; all necessary landing area appurtenances, approach areas, runways, taxiways, aprons, aircraft and automobile parking area, navigational and avigational aids, lighting facilities and fixtures as are now or may in the future be appurtenant to the airport.
G. “Aircraft” – means any aeroplane, airplane, gas bag, flying machine, ultralight, or any contrivance now known or hereafter invented, used or designated for navigation of or flight in the air, except a parachute or other contrivance used primarily as safety equipment.
H. “Airport Authority” – shall mean the Aransas County Commissioners Court.
Section 2 Use of Airport Restricted
The County shall regulate the activities of all persons or enterprises using the Airport as a base of operation, whether such operation is aeronautical or non-aeronautical in nature. No person shall use the Airport for any commercial activity unless specifically authorized in advance by written instrument approved and issued by the County or its duly authorized agent. It is prohibited for any person or group of persons or organizations to use the Airport or any part thereof for any public or private show, recreational activity, tour, demonstration or purpose other than the usual and ordinary business of the Airport, without prior approval of the Airport Manager.
Section 3. Scope
All persons entering on any part of the property comprising the Airport shall be governed by the rules and regulations prescribed herein, in addition to other laws applicable thereto. The regulations are subject to amendment.
Section 4. Privilege of Using Airport
The privilege of using the Airport and its facilities shall be conditional upon the assumption of full responsibility and risk by the user therof, and the user shall release and indemnify the County, its officer and employees, from any liability for loss resulting from such use, as well as claims of third persons issuing therefrom.
The privilege of using the Airport shall be upon further condition that any person desiring to use the same, shall observe and obey all valid laws, resolutions, orders, rules, and regulations promulgated and enforced by the County or by any other authority having jurisdiction over the conduct and operation of the Airport.
Section 5. Lease of Airport Property to Private Individuals, Companies or Corporation.
The County may lease property within the building area or other portions of the airport for the private construction of hangars, building, aprons, taxiways and auto parking lots in accordance with the approved Airport Layout Plan. All leased property and all buildings or structures erected on the leased property will be utilized for aviation related activity. Storage of non-aviation equipment, such as automobiles, boats, farm equipment in a private hangar or conducting of non-aviation business in any structure must be incidental to the aviation activity. Property leased to a private individual, company or corporation on which hangars, T-hangar units, or buildings will be erected for rental to the public will be leased at a rate in accordance with existing lease based on Consumer Price Index. No lease will be written for a term in excess of twenty years. Any private structure or hangar not in use for aviation purposes, unless so authorizes by the Airport Authority, must be removed after written notice by the Airport Manager, or the Airport Authority will consider such structures or hangar abandoned and title will pass to the County. Leased land from which any building, hangar or structure is removed after
due notice, will be cleaned and put back in its original condition. Leased property on the airport may be subleased by the lessee only with written approval of the Airport Authority.
Section 6. General Rules – Property Rights
All persons are deemed to have consented to the right of the Airport Manager or his authorized representatives to take possession of any of their aircraft and related property for violation and enforcement of any of these rules and regulations. The Airport Manager or his authorized representative must show due diligence and reasonable care in exercising control and maintaining possession of such property.
Section 7. Penalty – Removal
Any person or persons who fail to leave the airport or a specified area thereof; or any person or persons operating or handling an aircraft in violation of any of these rules; or any person or persons refusing to comply with these rules after proper request to do so by the Airport Manager, may be suspended from use of the airport facility at once for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days by the Airport Manager. The Airport Manager must notify the offending party, in writing, of the specific reasons for the suspension.
The offending party has the right to respond to the alleged violations in writing to the Airport Manager. Upon a showing of reasonable cause to the Airport Manager, the Airport Manager may terminate the suspension. Until the completion or termination of the suspension such person shall be regarded as a trespasser upon airport property.
Any person or persons who fail to leave the airport or a specified area therof; or any person or persons operating or handling an aircraft in violation of any of these rules; or any person or persons refusing to comply with the rules after proper request to do so by the Airport Manager or an authorized representative of the Airport Manager, may be removed from the airport premises and prohibited from the use of the facility by the Airport Manager for such period of time as may appear necessary for the protection of life and property. The offending party must be notified in writing of the specific reasons for the removal. Furthermore such person shall be regarded as trespasser upon airport property.
Any person who feels that he or she has been wrongfully removed from the airport, or denied access thereto, pursuant to these rules and regulations may request a hearing before the Commissioners Court to determine whether to affirm, revoke or modify the removal or suspension. Such request shall be made in writing and shall be filed with the Airport Manager within ten (10) calendar days of such removal or denial. The party filing such request shall give his or her name and address. When such hearing shall be requested, the same shall be held at the next regular meeting of the Commissioners Court provided that the request for hearing is received at least seven (7) days prior to such meeting.
The Airport Manger shall mail to the party who requested the hearing, at the address shown on the request for hearing, written notice of time and place where the hearing will be held; and such notice shall be mailed at least five (5) days in advance of the hearing. At the hearings, the party requesting the hearing may appear, may be
represented by counsel, may cross-examine and may present evidence. Upon completion of the hearing the Commissioners Court shall affirm, revoke or modify the previous action taken and shall give prompt written notice of its action to the party requesting the hearing. Any determination of the Commissioners Court adverse to the party requesting the hearing be subject to appeal in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.
Provided that where such penalty has been imposed, there shall not be prosecution under this section. Any violation of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by fine in any sum not exceeding $200.00. Rental cost for the reasonable maintenance and storage of the aircraft and attendant property thereto shall be recoverable on behalf of the airport by the Airport Manager or his authorized representatives.
Section 8. General Rules and Regulations
8.1 – Safeguarded of persons and property: The Airport Manager shall at all times have authority to take such action as may be necessary to safeguard any person, aircraft, equipment or property at the airport
8.2 – Sanitation: No person shall dispose of garbage, papers, refuse or other materials on the airport except in the receptacles provided for such purpose.
8.3 – Liquid Disposal: No fuels, oil, dopes, paints, solvents or acids shall be disposed of or dumped in drains, on the ramp areas, catch basins or ditches or elsewhere on the Airport except in specifically designated areas.
8.4 – Preservation of Property: No person shall destroy, injure, defect or disturb in any way any building, sign equipment, marker or other structure, trees, flowers, lawn or other property on the Airport.
8.5 – Use of Another’s Property: No person shall use, interfere or tamper with any aircraft (or put in motion the engine of such aircraft), or any aircraft parts, equipment, accessories, instruments or tools of another, unless specifically authorized by the owner in writing.
8.6 – Lost Articles: All lost articles shall be turned into the Airport Manager’s office by the finders. Any such articles not claimed in sixty (60) days will be disposed of in accordance with established County policy and State law.
8.7 – Restricted Areas: No person shall enter upon the airfield area, landing area, ramp, aircraft parking and storage areas, or other areas of the Airport as may be designated “restricted”, except:
a. Persons assigned to duty therein.
b. Authorized representative of the FAA and TAC.
c. Persons authorized by the County through its Airport Manager.
d. Passengers, under appropriate supervision, entering the apron for the purpose of embarkation or debarkation.
e. Persons engaged, or about to be engaged, or having been engaged in operation of any aircraft.
f. Persons authorized under contractual agreements with the County.
8.8 – Use of Roads and Walks:
a. No person shall travel on the Airport other than on the roads, walks, or places provided for the particular class of traffic.
b. No person shall occupy the roads or walks in such a manner as to hinder or obstruct their proper use.
8.9 – Surreptitious Activities: Any person observing suspicious, unauthorized or criminal activities shall report such activities immediately to the Airport Manager, the Aransas County Sheriff’s Department or other law enforcement agency or peace officer.
8.10 – Loitering and Refusal to Comply: Any person or persons who shall refuse to comply with these applicable rules and regulations, after proper request to do so by the Airport Manager or his or her authorized representative, shall be requested to leave the Airport; and, in the event of his or her refusal or failure to comply with such request shall be regarded as a trespasser subject to forcible ejection and prosecution under the law. No person shall come upon the use of the Airport after such person has been denied its use by the Airport Manager.
8.11 – Use of Shop Areas: All shops, garages, equipment and facilities are expressly for the conduct of the owner’s or lessee’s business and operations. No person other that employees of the owner or lessee shall make use of these facilities or loiter around such premises without individual and specific permission of the owner or lessee. This section applies to all public Airport facilities as well as all others.
8.12 – Smoking: No person shall smoke where smoking is specifically prohibited by appropriate signs or is prohibited by other Airport rules and regulations.
8.13 – Damage to Airport:
a. Any person, corporate or individual, and the owner of any aircraft causing damage of any kind to the Airport, whether through violation of any of these rules or through vandalism or any act of negligence, shall be liable therefore in and to the County of Aransas.
b. Any person, corporate or individual, and the owner of any aircraft causing damage to any of the County’s public Airport facilities as defined herein, by any means, shall immediately, report such damager to the Airport Manager and shall be fully responsible for any cost required to repair or replace the damaged facility.
8.14 – Unauthorized Structures: No structure may be erected beyond the BRL (Building Restriction Line) or in conflict with the approved ALP (Airport Layout Plan) and airport height zoning order or ordinance.
a. All construction must be authorized and must be of a compatible standard and approved by the Commissioners Court. All buildings or hangars constructed will comply with the Safe Building Code for coastal areas, and be able to withstand sustained winds of 140 miles per hour with the doors closed.
8.15 – Unauthorized Signs: No signs or equipment or portable buildings and house trailers may be erected, moved in or installed except as may be specifically authorized by the Commissioners Court.
8.16 – Lien for Charges, Possessory Right: To enforce the payment of any charge made for lease of airport property, hangar, or building rental, tie down fee, repairs, improvements, storage or care of personal property, made or furnished by the County of Aransas or its agents, the County of Aransas shall have a lien upon
such personal property, which shall be enforceable as provided by law. To enforce the payment of any such charge, the Commissioners Court may retain possession of such personal property until all reasonable, customary and usual compensation shall have been paid in full.
8.17 – Agricultural Operations: Agricultural spraying operations, if authorized, will be conducted in accordance with procedures approved by the Commissioners Court and only from areas designated on the airport. Reckless flying, careless handling of chemical and indifference toward policing the area or intimidation of other aircraft users is prohibited. All chemical containers will be stored, handled, or disposed of in accordance with Federal and State environmental rules and regulations.
8.18 – Injury to a Person: Any person going upon the grounds of said Aransas County Airport, or using it for any purpose, shall do so at his on risk, to person and property, and shall hold the County of Aransas harmless for and on account of any injury or damage to person or property suffered thereby. Such person shall be bound by and obey the rules and regulations concerning and pertaining to said airport.
Section 9 – Motor Vehicle Operations.
9.1 – Vehicular Traffic:
a. All vehicular traffic shall be confined to the roads, streets, avenues and alleys provided on the grounds for that purpose, and shall not be operated at a speed in excess of twenty (20) miles per hour.
b. Vehicles used by the County, Airport Manager or other authorized personnel to check the landing area will have an approved yellow and black checkered flag attached to the vehicle and contain mobile or portable radio transceiver tuned to the Aeronautical Advisory (Unicom) Station frequency for the Airport.
c. No person shall operate a motor vehicle of any kind on the Airport in a reckless or negligent manner.
d. Pedestrians and aircraft shall at all times have right-of-way over vehicular traffic. All vehicles shall pass to the rear of taxing aircraft.
e. No unauthorized ground vehicles shall be permitted with the runway safety area (within 200 feet of the runway centerline.
9.2 – Parking: No person shall park a motor vehicle for loading, unloading or any other purpose on the Airport other than in the areas specifically established for automobile parking and in the manner prescribed by signs, lines or other means unless authorized by the Airport Manager for specific purposes i.e., loading or unloading a body from and aircraft into a hearse and an ill person from an ambulance to an aircraft, etc. No person shall park a motor vehicles in a manner so as to obstruct roadways, nor in aircraft parking areas or on taxiways. Vehicles in violation of parking regulations will be towed away. Any incidental charges incurred in removing and storing of said vehicle will be charged to the owner.
Section 10 – Aircraft Operations/Air and Ground.
10.1 – Federal Air Traffic Rules: The Federal Air Traffic rules and regulations promulgated by the Federal Aviation Administration for observance by aircraft operated anywhere in the United States and presently or hereafter effective, are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as though fully set forth and incorporated herein.
10.2 – Licensed Pilots; Aircraft Registration:
a. Only persons holding a current Airman’s License issued by the FAA shall operate aircraft upon or over the Airport without written permission; provided however, that this limitation shall not apply to students in training under properly licensed instructors.
b. With the exception of public aircraft of the federal government or of a state, territory or public subdivision thereof, or aircraft licensed by a foreign government with which the United States has a reciprocal agreement covering the operation of such licensed aircraft – only properly registered aircraft shall be operated on or over the Airport without written permission.
c. The operation of ultralight aircrafts must be under guidelines of FAR part 103, and at times and places so designated by the Airport Manager.
10.3 – Aeronautical Advisory (Unicom) Station: All pilots are encouraged to call on the Aeronautical Advisory Station (Unicom frequency 123.05) to determine the active runway and prevailing weather conditions, and to announce their position and intention for take-off and landing.
10.4 – Landing and Take-Off Rules:
a. All aircraft landing at the Airport shall fly a standard left hand traffic pattern at a minimum altitude of one thousand (1,000) feet above the ground for aircraft for aircraft and five hundred (500) feet above the ground for helicopter.
b. Straight in approaches are discouraged but, if used, shall be announced by radio contact established with the Airport Advisory (Unicom) Station. Such announced straight-in procedure shall be terminated if directed by the Airport Advisory Station.
10.5 – Intoxicants and Narcotics Forbidden: No person under the influence of an intoxicant or narcotic shall operate or fly in any aircraft upon or over the Airport; provided however, that such inhibition shall not apply to a passenger when accompanied by a nurse or caretaker in an aircraft apart from the pilot.
10.6 – Student Training and Practice Flying:
a. Instructors in flying shall inform themselves and keep their students informed on all rules and regulations in effect at the Airport.
b. Aircraft shall not be permitted to remain on the landing or take-off areas for the purpose of instructing students.
10.7 – Parachute Jumping: No person shall make a parachute jump from an aircraft in the immediate vicinity of the airport, except in case of actual emergency.
10.8 – Authority to Close Field or Suspend/Restrict Operations: In the event the conditions of the Airport or any part of the Airport are unsafe for landing or take- off’s, it shall be within the Airport Manager’s authority to issue a NOTAM closing the entire Airport or any part thereof, or suspending or restricting operations thereupon.
10.9 – Special Procedures: The Airport Manager may, in the interest of safety, designate special procedures for the conduct of certain operation such as air shows, agricultural operations, etc.
10.10 – Aircraft Accident Report/Removal of Wreckage:
a. All person involved in any aircraft accident on or near the Airport shall file such accident report(s) as required by the Federal Aviation Administration or National Transportation Safety Board rules and regulations.
b. Every aircraft owner, his pilot and agents, shall be responsible for notifying FAA and for the prompt removal from operational areas of the Airport of disabled or wrecked aircraft and any parts thereof or other accident debris, when the same has been released by the FAA and/or National Transportation Safety Board upon completion of their accident investigation.
10.11 – Unairworthy, Disabled or Damaged Aircraft:
a. Unairworthy aircraft, wrecks, “junkers”, or parts thereof shall not be parked or stored on the Airport unless awaiting scheduled repairs (or in the process of being repaired).
b. All disabled aircraft and parts thereof shall be removed from the public view by the owner or his agents while awaiting scheduled repair.
c. If any person refuses to move a disabled or damaged aircraft, said aircraft may be towed away and disposed of, or stored at the owner’s expense and without liability for damage that may result in the course of, or after removal.
10.12 – Repairing of Aircrafts:
a. No aircraft repair or overhaul shall be made or permitted on the Airport, other than by an aircraft mechanic properly licensed by the FAA and authorized by written agreement with the County for the conduct of such activity, except that nothing in these rules and regulations will operate to prevent any person, firm, or corporation from performing any services on its own aircraft with its own employees (including, but not limited to maintenance and repairs) that it may choose to perform.
b. No person shall repair and aircraft engine, propeller or apparatus in any area of the Airport other than that specifically designated for such purpose, except that minor adjustments may be made while the aircraft is on a loading ramp preparatory to rake-off, and such adjustment is necessary to prevent a delayed departure.
10.13 – Parking of Aircraft:
a. No person shall park aircraft in any area of the Airport other than those areas designated for such purpose.
b. Aircraft will not be parked in such a manner as to hinder the normal movement of other aircraft and traffic.
c. It is the responsibility of the pilot when leaving a parked aircraft unattended to see that it is properly secured. No aircraft shall be left unattended on the Airport unless it is adequately tied down (and/or wheels chocked) or is parked within a hangar.
d. Aircraft shall not be parked on, or within 200 feet of any part of the landing or take-off area of the Airport; and all unhoused aircraft shall be parked in the areas designated by the Airport Authority for that purpose.
10.14 – Tie-down of Aircraft:
a. The aircraft owner or his agent is responsible for the tie-down and security of his aircraft at all times and particularly during inclement weather.
b. Tie-down fees will be as approved by the County.
10.15 – Aircraft Storage: T-Hangars owned by the County may be rented by private individuals, companies or corporations on monthly basis for the storage of aircraft and ancillary aircraft equipment only, at such rates and under terms and conditions as established by the County and set forth in a lease agreement for such purpose.
Section 11. Rules for Aircraft Fueling Operations.
11.1 – Authorized Operations:
a. No fuel shall be placed in any aircraft by any person or company except by Airport vendors of aviation fuel under written agreement for this operations with the County, except that nothing in these rules and regulations will operate to prevent any person, firm, or corporation from performing any services on its own aircraft with its own employees in accordance with the “Minimum Standards for Aransas County Airport Fixed Base Operators and Tenants”.
b. Fueling facilities must be located on leased property and fuel dispensed in accordance with aircraft fueling rules, regulations, and directives as established by the County in “Minimum Standards for Aransas County Airport Fixed Base Operators and Tenants”.
c. Public sale of Automobile gas for use in aircraft will not be permitted on the Airport without written agreement for such operation with the County. In the absence of a County-authorized Airport Vendor of auto gas may be privately fueled only from the aircraft-owner, upon receiving prior approval from the County, and then only in areas specifically designated for such purpose and in accordance with special procedures established by the County.
d. Fuel pumps and fuel trucks will clearly indicate in large print the type of aviation fuel dispensed, i.e. 100LL, 110-130 Octane, Jet-A, etc. A colored band or colored panel indicating type of fuel will be indicated
on each fuel pump or fuel truck, blue – 100LL, green –110-130 octane, black – Jet-A.
11.2 – Safety/Servicing: In all matters related to aircraft fueling safety and servicing, the provisions of NFPA Manual 407 “Aircraft Fuel Servicing”, together with American Petroleum Institute Quality Control Standards shall be used as the basis for all airport fueling operations.
11.3 – Fueling and Defueling Aircraft:
a. The pilots and passengers will exit the aircraft and the aircraft will be unoccupied during fueling operations.
b. No aircraft shall be fueled or defueled while the engine is running or being warmed by applications of exterior heat, or while inside a hangar or other enclosed place.
c. All aircraft will be positively grounded when being serviced with fuel. Aircraft being serviced by a fuel truck will be grounded to the fuel truck and the fuel truck will positively grounded. The grounding cable should not exceed 10,000 Ohms.
d. Persons engaged in fueling and defueling aircraft shall exercise care to prevent overflow of fuel. Persons responsible shall take proper measure to remove volatile liquids spilled during transfer.
e. All aircraft shall be fueled at the fuel pump or, if by truck, on the ramp clear of hangars.
f. Aviation or auto fuels will not be stored with a hangar or other enclosed place.
g. No person shall smoke within fifty (50) feet of any aircraft being fueled or defueled, or any fuel truck.
h. No person shall operate a radio transmitter or receiver or switch electrical appliances off or on in aircraft during fueling or defueling.
i. At least 20B portable fire extinguishers shall be located within fifty
(50) feet of the fueling pump on all trucks during fueling operations.
j. The operation or use of cellular telephones within fifty (50) feet of any aircraft fueling or defueling operation is prohibited.
Section 12 – Fire Protection Regulations.
a. Every person going upon or using the Airport or its facilities in any manner, shall exercise the greatest care and caution to avoid and prevent fire, which includes good housekeeping.
b. Compressed inflammable gas shall not be kept or stored upon the Airport, except in such place as may be specifically designated for such purpose.
c. No inflammable substance shall be used in cleaning motors or other parts of an aircraft inside a hangar or other building.
d. Smoking or open flame within fifty (50) feet of any aircraft or fuel truck is prohibited.
e. No one shall smoke, ignite a match or lighter in any building, except in offices, waiting rooms or buildings where specifically permitted.
f. Hangar entrances shall be kept clear at all times.
g. The floors in all buildings shall be kept clean and free from oil. Volatile, flammable substances shall not be used for cleaning the floors.
Section 13 – Running Aircraft Engines.
If not equipped with adequate brakes, the engine shall not be started in an aircraft until and unless the wheels have been set with blocks attached to ropes or other suitable means for removing them.
a. No engine shall be started or run unless a competent operator is at the controls of the aircraft; and no engine shall be started or run inside any building.
b. No engine shall be started, run or warmed up until and unless the aircraft is in such position that the propeller stream will clear all buildings and groups of people in the observation areas and path of the aircraft.
c. Pilots are prohibited from loading and unloading aircraft with the engine running.
d. No airplane will be propped or left running without qualified personnel at the controls.
Section 14 – Taxiing Aircraft.
No person shall taxi an aircraft until he has ascertained there will be no danger of collision with any person or object in the immediate area.
a. Aircraft will be taxied at a safe and prudent speed, and in such manner as to be at all times under the control of the pilot.
b. Aircraft not equipped with adequate brakes will no be taxied near buildings or parked aircraft unless an attendant is at a wing of the aircraft to assist the pilot.
c. There shall be no taxiing of aircraft by engine power into or out of hangars.
Section 15 – Conflict in Rules.
If and where there is conflict in these rules and the Federal Aviation Rules (FAR’s), National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) or the State Fire Regulations, the latter shall prevail.
Section 16 – Knowledge of Rules Implied.
By publication of this Order as required by law, all persons will be deemed to have knowledge of its contents. However, the Airport Manager is directed to have copies of the order printed and posted where appropriate. Copies will be available at all times in the Manager’s Office and copies will be furnished to the owners and operators of aircraft based on the Airport.
Section 17 – Penalty for Violation.
Any violation of this Order shall be deemed a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine in any sum not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Said Penalty shall be cumulative of all other penalties for violation of federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances, as applicable.
Section 18 – Saving Clause.
Should any part of this Order be held invalid or unconstitutional, no other part shall necessarily be affected therby.
Section 19 – Emergency Enactment.
The enactment of this Order being necessary to the immediate preservation of public business, health and property, and to provide for other usual daily operation of the County department, it is declared to be an emergency measure, which shall have and take effect following its present reading and adoption..
READ, PASSED AND ADOPTED this the 11th day of August, 1986
By: John D. Wendell County Judge
Val Jean Eaton County Clerk
James L. Anderson County Attorney